The perfectly beautiful imperfection | by Himanshu Bharadwaj | Oct, 2024

Does perfection invite engagement or repel it?
Should MVPs and design prototypes be perfect?
Why should design portfolios always tell a perfect story?
Is it possible for creative magic to happen in imperfection?
Can anyone honestly say their body, mind, or life is perfect?
Is it possible for flaws to give something character, depth, and soul?
Is perfection nothing but a myth we’ve all been conditioned to chase?
If you are a hiring manager, will you seek perfect candidates who work like robots or more human candidates who are comfortable with their skills, believe in themselves, and have a growth mindset?

The world is a constant interplay between opposites — perfection and imperfection, pleasure and pain, and gain and loss. What if we accept imperfection rather than resisting it to achieve something higher? Maybe we can free ourselves from the pressures of the outcomes of their attachments and find wholeness in design, business, and life.

In the Upanishads, the world is called Maya, an illusion (Encyclopaedia, 2015), inherently imperfect and ever-changing. So, if imperfection…

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