Strike: The Ink Black Heart transmission date confirmed

We know that the sixth series of Robert ‘JK Rowling’ Galbraith’s Strike is on its way back for a sixth series.

Now we know when it’s going to be on.

According to The Rowling Library on Twitter, the four-part series will launch on Monday 16th December, with subsequent episodes the next evening and then the week after on Monday and Tuesday.

When frantic, desperate Edie Ledwell appears in the office begging to speak to her, private detective Robin Ellacott doesn’t know quite what to make of the situation. The co-creator of a popular cartoon, The Ink Black Heart, Edie is being persecuted by a mysterious online figure who goes by the pseudonym of Anomie. Edie is desperate to uncover Anomie’s true identity.

Robin informs Edie that the agency is too busy to take on her case and thinks nothing more of it until a few weeks later, when she reads the shocking news that Edie has been tasered and then murdered in Highgate Cemetery, the location of The Ink Black Heart.

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