Want to upskill in 2025? Try these 8 creative courses


New Year’s resolutions can easily fall by the wayside, but with the range of courses on offer for creatives, booking onto one could be a resolution worth keeping. These courses are all aimed at adding to your knowledge and opening up opportunities in a business and creative sense. Our eight choices cover creative skills, social media and branding, and freelance or small business advice. We’ve included a range of free or affordable distance learning options so you can dip your toe in, and if you have the budget, there are also career courses to invest in.

Below you’ll find our range of reputable course providers, highly reviewed courses, and different styles of course – from video insights to tips, tricks and assignments. Perhaps you’ll choose one to help you upskill in 2025. For more on what’s happening in the creative world this year, see our 2025 typography trends, graphic design trends or digital art trends.


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