ABOVE: The former Goodwill building on the northwest corner of Gilbert and Fairchild in Danville; which will be redesigned and repurposed by Kirchner Building Centers ahead of their planned move from 508 W. Williams.
This past Thursday (Jan 2nd), the Danville Planning and Zoning Commission approved the last round of zoning changes needed, from residential use to commercial business use, for Kirchner Building Centers’ planned move from 508 West Williams into the old Goodwill building and surrounding area on the northwest corner of Gilbert and Fairchild. As Danville Community Development Administrator Logan Cronk explains, the former residential homes on the site are long gone, with the zoning changes being the final major step. Cronk says some subdividing of the old residential properties is still needed.
AUDIO: City of Danville, over the past year and a half; has acquired, essentially a block and a couple extra properties to the north of the future Kirchner site. The City Council passed a redevelopment agreement, where the city would buy those properties, and convey those to Kirchner. In order for Kirchner to operate a commercial business on those lots, they need to be rezoned to B3. All that’s left is the actual subdivision of those parcels. They’ll be two lots created, for the creation of potentially three out lot lumber storage buildings.
The consultant for Kirchner Building Centers on the project is the Farnsworth Group, who has an office in Champaign. They are also the consultant helping the City of Danville with the Bresee Tower tear down project.
Cronk says the old Goodwill building will stay, but will need to be adjusted for Kircher Building Centers’ plans. Cronk says if all goes well, the actual construction will begin sometime this year, and be concluded sometime next year.
AUDIO: Yes, we’re hopeful that they start construction in 2025, and be located and operational in 2026. The intention is to rehab that building to fit their needs.
The rezoning approved by the Danville Planning and Zoning Commission on January 2nd will come before the full Danville City Council at their January 21st meeting.
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